Friday, December 9, 2011

Success or crash? Or something in between..

Walking the corridors of ICC in Durban I saw Todd Stern, the US envoy on climate change and the leader of the US delegation here in Durban.
That man has a lot in his hands and maybe on his conscience for the climate change negotiations. Some years ago there were some hope that US could play a constructive part in the climate regime. Today no one counts them in. The discussion is centered around those who are willing to take the situation serious, which is not the case from US officials who actually seems to believe that you can postpone the reaction of the planetary system! And they are still the worlds second largest emitter as country and per capita the highest, if you don´t count some of the extreme small gulf states

Why are the US so passive and also sometimes obstructing? There are of course many reasons but one must be the climate sceptics but were are all the people of faith in US? Why can´t they speak out about the injustice in how we treat the natural resources? Were are the preaching about the role of human to protect the gift of life in the world we living in? The protection of the equilibrium of the ecology that we are depending on? The responsibility to act with the must vulnerable in our mind?
I know that there are good signs in the faith families in US but they also need to influence the society and the debate and the decision makers.
Well, that is not only true for the US, it is a task for the whole worlds faith communities. That could make the job of Todd Stern a little lighter and a more constructive for the climate and the justice...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Climate Talks - again!

After being very silent I take up the writing on this blog. I am at the COP 17 in Durban South Africa. As always  there are a lot of people from all over the world gathered.. Some officials from their countries and some from civil society.
If we just should listen to the people on the streets there are nothing to discuss. We need to lower the emissions of greenhouse gases and transfer resources to development countries.
If we just should listen to the scientists there is no doubt that we are on the edge of something really serious and we need to drastic lower our emissions and put money to development countries for adaptation and technology transfer.
But if we listen only to the official delegations from the rich countries and the growing economies (read powerful) there are lots of other problem to be solved. Maybe we could lower the emissions by 2019 and do it slowly without risking the economy.
This is so wrong. It´s like telling a patient who is severe ill that we have the medicine and it works and we can give it to you but we have to wait until it is cheaper. That maybe when you are dead but it will be a real good cure!
Yesterday the ecumenical movement was out on the streets of Durban together with other groups to show our concerns and the demands for action from the leaders of the world. This is the momentum for transition! To create a new world built on sustainable and just structures for people of the world. The truth is now that the richest 7% of the world's population created half of the world's emissions while the poorest 50% accounted for only 7% of emissions. And it is about time to change this for everybody's sake.