Thursday, September 30, 2010

The free riders!

The climate discussion seems to be stuck in a discussion about who is supposed to act and do something. Every nation is pointing the finger on the other nation saying- You should act! China should act because you are the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world. China say that US and Europe should act because the historical emissions of the world comes from those countries. Small countries like Sweden say that other countries should act because the emissions from Sweden is only0.2% of the world emissions so what happens in Sweden is absolutely of no interest of the world.
And so does the discussions proceed and we are stuck with a bunch of states starting a blame game and looking for a free ride. A free ride that means that everybody else should start and I myself can go on as usual.
Why is it impossible to think of a broader "we"? We are together on this planet and the time to act is running out. If we don´t act as a "we" now there will be only a free ride to a much more complicated world to handle for the future generations.
Where are the faith communities of the world that have a more inclusive perspective and a more long-term vision of the world and life? Time to speak out and together say; We are on this trip together and we must act together, all humankind.

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