Thursday, October 8, 2009

European Churches prepares for Copenhagen meeting in Sweden

Next week ECEN (European Christian Environmental Network) holds a seminar in Lund, Sweden to prepare for the UNFCCC meeting in Copenhagen in December.
The coming months and weeks are a real thriller. The signs from the negotiation rooms are not the best ones. But if you have been monitoring the world of negotiations for some time you know that it always turns out that way. Due to political tactics and show off for the national political scene.

But the issue of climate change does not have time to be a scene for national political agendas. This is a global threat that need global solutions.
We are in a situation were the science is clear about what we need to do and the political process saying that they can´t do that. I think that value based organisations and especially faith communities are urged to get on the scene saying;- "Hey, come on now! It is obvious what is needed and we want that sustainable and more equitable future to come. Leave your pride behind you when you arrive to Copenhagen meeting"
But of course the ECEN meeting may tell it in a more appropriate way than that but the meaning is the same

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