Thursday, October 15, 2009

European Churches together would like to see a strong commitment on climate issues!

Yesterday ECEN (European Christian Environmental Network) finished their seminar on Churches responding to climate change in Lund Sweden. People from all over Europe and even Latin America joined together in discussions over the added value of churches to the climate change. It was obvious that the issue of climate change is not just about science and politics. It involves our lifestyle and the need to change.
Living in a culture of consumption we need a shift to a sustainable economy and a culture of sharing instead of competition and greed.

So churches of Europe hopes to see a large participation in the Countdown to Copenhagen campaign and that the churches of the world will ring their bells 350 times on the 13th of December at 15.00 local time.
I think that it is easy to underestimate the faith communities contribution to the climate change agenda. Think of it; If all the people of the faith communities (every kind of faith) of the world should just do some minor changes in their everyday life and put some pressure on their governments what a momentum it could be for a change over to a more sustainable future.

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