Wednesday, September 3, 2008

European Christian Environmental Network (ECEN) - assembly on the real challenge of climate change

Later in September (24 - 28 September) ECEN will have their 7th assembly outside Milan in Italy. The theme of Assembly is The True Challenge of Climate Change. In the invitation you can read "The question not only concerns proper action but equally the link to theology as the foundation of the action. The intensifying awareness that churches and religions have the potential for a genuine contribution to the climate change debate will be at the centre of attention of the Assembly"

I hope that this Assembly will empower churches of Europe to be more active in climate change discussions. Climate Change is not only about who is going to pay. Since the situation is urgent we are more challenged then we ever been. The question of what a good life is, the question of justice, is at stake and we need to address them from a faith perspective.

Some might ask if this is really something for the Churches act upon? The answer is; Yes because this is about how we live together on this earth and how we share the gifts of creation. A silent church in these matters will not follow their assignment of being church.

I will come back to report on this Assembly when I will be at the assembly.

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