Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Denial - will not solve the problem!

Read on Scientific American site about the denial of human induced climate change in the US.
It is easy to get depressed when you hear that so many people think that climate science is fake!
It is like the ancient old testamental time when the prophets that said the truth but those who delivered a comforting message was believed.
Now, was´nt there an american peace prize laureate that said something about inconvenient truth? Is he still there?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2 degrees - not enough!

The scientists James E. Hansen and Makiko Sato published an article where the message is that 2 degree target and 450 ppm that UNFCCC and IPCC suggested as what the world should aim at to avoid a the most serious results of climate change is far from safe!
It will be very serious results if we are satisfied with that scenario.
Now, hove come that there is such a big gap between what is pointed out from the scientific world and what the political world are ready to do!
So it is even of more importance that faith people around the world get their message to their governments -For Gods sake and the planet and all the people living there; Get you act together and take responsibility and ACT!

Nordic meeting!

Last week a group of people working on environmental issues in different Nordic churches met to share and discuss how to cooperate in the best way around environmental and climate change issues.
In Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland and northern Germany there is a whole lot of good work going on. Certification with a church identity, creation time materials, action on climate change, study materials and so on.
Hopefully this will be a starting point for a broader sharing and cooperation in the churches of Northern Europe.
I am glad to be a part of this ecumenical network!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Copenhagen - Nordic Churhces together

Today and tomorrow representatives from different Nordic churches will meet in Copenhagen to look at what we can do together as churches in a Nordic context on issues like climate change and sustainable development.
Hopefully this will be a much more fruitful meeting then the UNFCCC meeting December 2009.
I think it is great that we as faith communities are reflecting over why this is a subject that is a part of our identity as churches and at the same time thinking of what we can do on a practical level.
To come somewhere with the huge assignment we have to change from an unsustainable and unfair world order to a efficient, sustainable and more fair world we need to look at our values, at our spiritualities. We also have to walk the talk. To pray and act at the same time!
So let´s hope for a small Nordic Ecumenical step towards a greater engagement of the faith communities.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Food prices and Middle East Crisis

In the media for the last weeks the protests against the regimes in Middle East has been in focus. Often social media as Facebook and Twitter is mentioned as the vehicle that drives the protests. And perhaps that is the truth. But maybe not the whole truth.
There are also an underlying force in the sky rocketing on the food prices in the world. And this is not just related to a greater demand due. It is also related to the lower yields last year and it seems that it is related to climate. For example the heatwave in Russia led to a less crop then usual.
Today we face that the world market is rising and that also may be an underlying reason for the protests in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen etc.
Climate Change is not an issue only for environmentalists. It is about democracy, freedom, human rights, sustainability and about to have food on the table